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Full Mouth Implant Crowns

Smile More for Less!

shutterstock_153559970After your dental implants are in place your dentist will uncover the implant and attach an abutment (which holds the crown or tooth-like replacement) to the implant. In some cases the abutment may be attached during the initial procedure. When the abutment is in place, your dentist then will create a temporary crown.

The temporary crown serves as a template around which the gum grows and shapes itself in a natural way. The process is completed when the temporary crown is replaced with a permanent crown.

Once the implant is fully integrated into the bone and exposed the custom crowns can start to be made. Typically a full mouth restoration of implant crows takes several visits.

The first visit is taking a mold of your mouth to send to our laboratory. At this visit we also determine the shade of your tooth with YOUR approval. If you want any special request to be done to the tooth, please let us know.

The second visit, typically 1 week after the mold, is to place the abutments in. The abutments have to fit in the implants. It then goes back to the laboratory for additional details.

The third visit is to place the abutments and coping. This visit can sometimes take another visit pending if adjustments may need to be made. If everything fits it then goes to lab for final porcelain placement.

The last visit, typically 1 week after the third try in, the crowns are inserted. Contacts and bite is checked to make sure maximum comfort is obtained. Shade is checked to make sure YOU are happy with the esthetics. The crowns are then cemented in. Remember, maintenance and cleaning is very important to the overall healthcare of your gums and teeth.

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Say goodbye to the denture adhesive or glue! Start chewing your food with confidence knowing that you can virtually eat anything you like! Smile with confidence. Never develop a cavity. Brush and floss in between your teeth!

Call us now 516-348-8500 it will be our pleasure to answer any questions or concerns.

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