shine dental stars


Smile More for Less!

Invisalign® uses a custom-made series of aligners that are made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastic that will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place.

Why Choose Invisalign®?

Virtually Invisible

Invisalign® clear aligners are virtually invisible, so no one will know that you know you are transforming your smile.

Comfortable and Convenient

Invisalign® removable aligners are created using SmartTrack® material that provides a comfortable yet effective fit that allows you to continue your daily routines without any inconvenience.

Expedited Treatment

With frequent changing of your Invisalign® aligners, you may achieve your orthodontic goals even quicker than with traditional braces.

More Effective Treatment

Invisalign® can be used to treat a variety of orthodontic issues such as cross bites, crowding, open bites, gapped teeth, overbites, and underbites.

Proven Results

Invisalign®’s SmartTrack® material and SmartForce® features have been proven to enhance the orthodontic movement provided by Invisalign® clear aligners.

Invisalign® Treatment Process

Scan Your Smile

First, we will create an accurate 3D digital impression of your smile using our 3Shape® digital scanner.

Create a Treatment Plan

Using Invisalign®’s ClinCheck® software, we will work to create a plan for the transformation of your smile.

Preview your smile

We can even show you the shifting of your smile from beginning to end, even before treatment has begun.

Create the Aligners

Once your digital plan is finalized, your custom aligners are made using our state-of-the-art printing process.

Wear Your Aligners

Wear your Invisalign® clear aligners 20 to 22 hours a day for the best results, and take them out only to eat, brush, and floss. While wearing your aligners as prescribed, your teeth will gradually and gently shift into alignment.

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