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Smile More for Less!

Your Mouth is Your Calling Card to the World

Your Mouth is Your Calling Card to the WorldEffective communication is the key to nearly everything in our lives. For most of us, speaking is the foundation to communication. Whether it’s for personal or professional benefit, our mouths become our calling card in most of our daily situations.

There are endless elements to effective communication. Here are a few tips.

  • Listen well so you can communicate well
  • Put yourself in the other person’s shoes
  • Speak clearly – don’t mumble or insert lots of uhs and umms
  • Always attempt to repeat back what the other person’s said to ensure you understood him/her correctly
  • Eye contact adds connection and authenticity to the conversation
    Smile often – it puts people at ease

There are so many keys to excellent communication, and we here at Shine Dental Group want to assist you with the most visible.


Your smile.

How are you feeling about your mouth lately?

If the answer is anything less than fantastic, we’d like to help you change that answer and improve the foundation of how you interact in your life.

Has the time come for you to seek assistance for your smile? There are many reasons we put off correcting lifelong tooth problems or addressing developing issues as they occur.

Our mouths are a huge component to our lives. If we’re not feeling confident about what it looks like, it can hinder our relationships. If we’re experiencing pain from oral issues, it can lead to mood disturbances and nutrition disruption.

Don’t let these easily corrected issues hold you back in life.

If you’re unsatisfied with the appearance or feel of your teeth, we here at Shine Dental Group have a highly trained staff to assist you in every aspect of your journey. We not only offer you relaxed, comfortable service in our state-of-the-art office (complete with flat screens and wi-fi), but we’re here to listen to your concerns and guide you toward the best option that fulfills the vision you have for your smile.

Whether it’s a cracked or chipped tooth, discoloration, unsightly spaces, mouth soreness or missing teeth, Shine Dental Group gives Long Island comprehensive general and cosmetic dentistry services tailor fit to each individual’s needs.

We’re not only equipped to improve your oral health, but we also have experienced staff to address the overall aesthetics associated to your smile.

A winning communication style and delivery method aren’t the only keys to improving your calling card to the world. With your new and improved smile, we here at Shine Dental Group are also trained to work with you to match the contours of your face to your new mouth with Restylane.

Every component to your smile is essential to delivering the best you to the world. Don’t shortchange yourself or anyone else in your life by not offering the best possible version of you. That starts with a smile you can be proud of.

Contact us today for a free consultation to explore your dental options.


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