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Smile More for Less!

We Tend to Take the Most Obvious Things for Granted

We Tend to Take the Most Obvious Things for GrantedIn between regular check-ups, we want you to be well-equipped to care for your teeth. Of course we here at Shine Dental Group can assist you with all your dental needs, but to empower you and keep your mouth healthy, we want to put the perfect tools in your hands in between visits.

Taking care of our mouths is something we’ve been doing our whole lives, but habits we build as kids can carry over to adulthood. We may not be using the best techniques possible for optimal oral hygiene. Shine Dental Group wants to make each of your visits a pleasant experience, and the best way to ensure that excellent experience is to be proactive with your oral health! Sometimes it’s the most obvious things that we overlook, so today, we’re gonna highlight the most important aspect of your at-home routine – brushing.


The Brush

The first component to a great brushing routine is the right tooth brush. Consult with your Shine Dental Group dentist for recommendations. If you want the right tools before your next appointment, be sure to select a brush that isn’t too hard. This is a common mistake people make. They think a hard brush is better, but in reality, it can cause unnecessary irritation and weaken enamel. Soft and ultra-soft bristles are excellent choices when choosing the right toothbrush.


The Procedure

This all seems quite obvious, but we tend to take the process for granted. It may sound like an ad for a Zen workshop, but we need to focus on brushing our teeth while we brush our teeth. If you’re like much of the population, you squeeze on some paste, scrub for a few minutes, rinse, and done, but you need to keep an eye on your mouth, actually watch what you’re doing, and be conscious of your technique. Pay close attention to your gum lines. This is where tartar builds up. Not only will a conscious tooth brushing routine aid your teeth in the long run, but if you’re really paying attention, you’ll be able to notice changes quickly. This helps you get in touch with us here at Shine Dental Group before a small problem becomes a big one.


  • Brush at a 45 degree angle
  • We should only brush one or two teeth at a time
  • Use circular motions, not back and forth
  • Pay close attention to the inner surfaces of your teeth


The Tongue

Our tongues can not only hold food debris, but they are also home to the majority of bacteria in our mouths. Neglecting to brush our tongues leave our mouths vulnerable to bacteria that lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Always brush the top surface and underneath thoroughly as part of your regular routine.

We got back to the basics of brushing today in an effort to empower you in our ongoing partnership to keep your mouth healthy. Brushing regularly (at least twice a day) is the foundation to building a great oral hygiene routine, but should never be a replacement for professional care. If you don’t have your next check-up scheduled, be sure to give us a call today to set-up an appointment.


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