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The Difference Between Mini And Standard Dental Implants

The Difference Between Mini And Standard Dental ImplantsAs the most heavily populated island in the nation, it’s no surprise that the Long Island region is home to a hugely diverse group of people. And for many, getting dental services is something that will be required at some point in their lives. While standard cleanings and extractions are well-known facets of dentistry, many don’t realize that cosmetic dentistry could help them in a significant way as well.

In the cosmetic dentistry field, dental implants have gotten a tremendous amount of attention over the last decade due to the benefits that they offer. This is a permanent solution to problems that are often fixed with dentures or partials, and as a result they are looked at as an important investment in your oral health.

But there is now a bit of confusion concerning mini dental implants – specifically, the difference between mini and standard dental implants. Here at Shine Dental Group, we want to make these differences clear to our clients and potential clients.

The key difference really does come down to size, just as the name suggests. Mini dental implants use smaller anchors, which require smaller holes to be drilled into the jawbone for mounting of the anchors. Once these holes are drilled and the anchors placed, the replacement tooth that will be attached is virtually indistinguishable from those used in a standard implant situation.

The benefits that mini dental implants can offer are numerous, and include the following:

• Less pain – Since the holes drilled and anchors placed are smaller than a standard implant, there is less pain and discomfort.

• Faster recovery – The recovery time is also far faster, and much less painful. Those who have mini implants will be able to resume a normal diet quickly.

• No Interim Period – With standard dental implants, there is a waiting period between setting the anchors and placing the implants. With mini implants, that waiting period is removed and the entire process can be completed at once.

There may be some instances when traditional dental implants are the only option, but today most dental experts will recommend their patients have mini dental implants done instead whenever possible. If you’re ready to get the kind of smile you’ve been dreaming of, we can help. Contact us today to set up a free consultation and find out more about how we can help and what to expect from your dental implant procedure.


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