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Smile More for Less!

The Cost of Dental Care

We recently found an article at by Sarah Butler with the provocative title, “Why Your Dentist Costs So Much”.  We realize that many people believe that the cost of dental care is too expensive.

However, if more people took the time to understand the value of good dental care and the value of having healthy teeth and gums throughout their lifetime, we believe they would have less hesitation investing in their dental health.

Dentists wish patients would value their teeth more. Teeth are a crucial part of health and appearance. Untreated gum disease, for instance, is linked to heart disease. (Would you choose a cardiologist based on price?) “With time, you will come to realize that shopping price is a minor concern when it comes to your health,” says Dr. W. “Any minor cost differences amortized out over a lifetime will become insignificant. You will get the best results and have the most long-term satisfaction getting care from someone you trust.”

Read the entire article here…

At Shine Dental Associates we are committed to providing our patients with the best dental care on Long Island. Everyone from our hygienists, to our dentists, and our board certified periodontist is here to make sure your teeth and gums stay healthy so that you avoid unnecessary and costly dental treatments. And, should you need those treatments we have specialists to take care of you.

Call us today to set up a free consultation at (516) 348-8500.




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