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The Benefits of Periodontal Cleaning and Treatment

the-benefits-of-periodontal-cleaning-and- treatmentWhen your teeth have collected tartar, bacteria, and other debris, these substances can also make their way under your gum line and this can lead to gingivitis, tooth and bone decay, and even tooth loss.

Deep Cleaning

When you visit the dentist, the hygienist will most likely measure the area found around your teeth in order to see if there are any pocketing, or areas in which bacteria can form between the teeth and gums. They are measuring the gum depth, and a deep cleaning may be needed to treat your mouth if the pockets are five millimeters or more in depth.

Periodontal evaluations for adults should be an annual occurrence to further evaluate if any treatment will be needed before bigger problems arise.

Deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planning, will remove the plaque and tartar built up on the surface of your teeth and will also clean out the pockets in the surrounding areas.

After the bacteria in these pockets has been cleaned out, then the gums will begin to heal, and over the weeks following the deep cleaning, the gums will become healthier. However, to ensure this is the case, it is important that the patient also follows proper oral hygiene throughout this time as well including brushing and flossing regularly.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal Disease is usually caused by gingivitis that has been left untreated. The plaque begins to grow below the gum line and to combat this; the body will begin to break down the bone and tissue that are holding the teeth in place.

When periodontal disease is not treated, the patient can experience the gums pulling away from the teeth, destroyed gum and tissue, and tooth loss.

Risk Factors

A few risk factors for periodontal disease include poor oral hygiene, smoking, hormonal changes in girls and women, diabetes, other illnesses and some forms of cancer, certain medications, as well as genetic susceptibility.

To reduce your risk of contracting a periodontal disease, it is important that you brush and floss twice daily and take the steps to improve your oral hygiene and health. These steps also include making regular appointments with the dentist or periodontist to make sure that everything is good and there are no bacteria present.


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