Invisible braces can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted, and without a mouth full of metal. Invisible braces use a series of clear, removable and comfortable aligners to help correct your bite for a beautiful million dollar smile. Other than the end result of a beautiful smile, there are many advantages to opting for invisible braces.

The most obvious advantage is the cosmetics and the ability to conceal your treatment when necessary. Without a mouthful of metal you can ease into your beautiful teeth without  the embarrassment. This is especially great for adults and professionals for whom going to work with adult braces might be a hindrance.

Once significant advantage to using invisible braces to correct your smile is that they are removable. They can be removed when eating, which minimizes discomfort and avoids issues usually associated with regular braces. This feature also promotes better oral hygiene as the teeth can be brushed properly and the braces cleaned thoroughly on a more regular bases.

Transparent braces also work much faster than traditional braces. The braces are made in conjunction with computer imaging software, and are adjusted every two to three weeks based on your molds. Meaning you can get the smile you want that much faster.

Although not everyone might be a proper candidate for Transparent Braces, they are a good fit for about 80% of patients. If you are interested in transparent braces, call Shine Dental Associates so we can assess whether transparent braces are a good fit for your situation.

We can help you get the beautiful smile you want without the hassle associated with traditional braces, and in less time thanks to the cutting edge transparent braces treatment options. Call us today at (516) 348-8500 to see if transparent braces are right for you.