shine dental stars


Smile More for Less!

Say It With A Smile

Say It With  A SmileCosmetic dentistry is gaining popularity in larger social circles and is often a simple way to enhance self image and regain confidence in social settings. In the Long Island community, the Shine Dental Group has served our neighborhood for nearly twenty years, and the result has been satisfied patients who are happy to smile at the work that has enhanced their teeth.

There are many procedures that fall under the category of cosmetic dentistry, and not all of them can be considered simply elective. The terminology refers to the act of improving appearance, yet, there are many cases where this is in conjunction with functional and health factors.

The corrective process can address conditions that can lead to ill health and further dental deterioration. This can include:

• Repairing chipped and cracked teeth.
• Removing diseased teeth and replacing them with implants.
• Correcting crookedness and overcrowding that can lead to mandibular damage.
• Removing old filling that may cause a health threat.

Although the result of these procedures will be an improved appearance, this type of cosmetic dentistry also alleviates problems that can lead to ill health.

Body And Mind

While cosmetic dentistry does take care of obviously physical issues, it also plays a very holistic role in emotional wellness. Unhappiness with facial appearance is one of the more common causes of social anxiety and low confidence levels in our society. In the dental realm this may include anything from discoloration of dentition, to gaps and missing teeth.

Cosmetic services such as whitening have been greatly perfected and may be completed in as little as a single session. Porcelain veneers and dental implants are also a more immediate process, that involve less manipulation of the existing teeth for a more natural result. These are all very commonplace changes that can also enhance facial features, as tooth replacements can help skin to appear more even and smooth around the mouth and jaw.

If you are in need of dental work to address physical problems or even just to lift your look, then our website will give you a full overview of the changes this can make for your wellbeing. Considering cosmetic dentistry can be life enhancing undertaking, and it is one that you should investigate if you are dedicated to bettering both your body and your mind.


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