When you find that you may be dealing with gum disease, you need to think about scheduling an appointment with your local periodontist. Even if you take the time to brush and floss regularly, and you have regular dental cleanings, there could still be a chance that you will be subject to periodontal disease. If so, you will need to see a specialist and learn what will be your best option moving forward.
Signs And Symptoms
Nobody wants to have dental issues, so there are a few different ways that you can check to see if you are experiencing some of the symptoms and signs of gum disease. To start with, you should look in the mirror to see if you have a gum line that is swollen, red, or both. Take the time to brush and floss our teeth and see if you also notice any bleeding or sensitivity around your gum line. If you do, it will be time to make an appointment to see a specialist.
Selecting A Periodontist
While regular dental visits may be easy, when you are dealing with gum disease, you will need to see a specialist, or periodontist, to take a look at your mouth to make a professional assessment. When scheduling a visit, talk with them about the symptoms that you are experiencing and why you believe that something could be wrong. If you are not sure of who to call, you can talk with your dental professional to see if he or she will be able to give you any recommendations on a periodontist that they know and trust.
From there, you can think about calling your dental insurance provider. When you talk to them, you will also be able to find out if you need to have a referral from your dentist before you are able to see a periodontist in your area. They will be able to help you locate a professional that is within your network, which will give you an idea of how many choices are available to you.
Finally, you can also ask some of your trust friends and family members to see if they have worked with a periodontist for treatment in the past. If they have been through gum disease, they will not only be able to give you a recommendation, but they will also sympathize with the symptoms that you are going through. You can talk with them about the experience that they had with their periodontist and give you a first hand account of what treatments you may experience. All in all, you will find that this kind of recommendation will be worth its weight in gold.
If you are unable to find a good periodontist, you can also look around online to see what some of the people are saying about the professionals in and around your local area. With any of the periodontists that you find, their websites can also be a great resource for information on their practice, the facility they work out of, and even whether or not you can make an appointment for a consultation online.