smiling olde rcoupleIf you experience problems with your dentures, you should definitely look into getting dental implants put in for the purpose of better stabilization. Implants provide a level of stability and power behind your dentures that no adhesive, no matter how strong, could ever hope to replicate.

What kinds of problems can the use of dental implants to stabilize dentures solve?

Dental implants can solve a number of problems, including dentures that slide out of place frequently, dentures that don’t have enough stability and power to chew tough foods, dentures that cause your gums pain because of a poor fit, and dentures that need to be put on every day with messy and foul-tasting adhesive.

After having dental implants installed, all of these issues become a thing of the past.

How complicated is the procedure of getting dental implants put in? How painful is it?

Having dental implants put in is a relatively simple and painless procedure, especially when compared with the mess and discomfort that you already deal with on a daily basis due to ill-fitting dentures!

What should I look for in a doctor to perform the procedure?

When choosing a doctor to put in your denture stabilizing implants, it is important to choose a dentist (preferably a board certified periodontist) who has extensive experience performing this procedure. Not every dentist does! You can ask any dentist you are considering exactly how many procedures he or she has performed, and what their long-term success rate is.

If you are experiencing pain and embarrassment as a result of sliding dentures, especially if the occurrence of these negative symptoms has become a regular – if not a daily issue, then you should definitely investigate further the idea of getting dental implants put in to stabilize your sliding dentures.

Call Shine Dental Associates today to discuss how to stabilize your dentures with dental implants. You can speak directly with our board certified periodontist, Dr. Vikas Mittle. Call our Syosset, Long Island office at (516) 348-8500.