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Nesbit Partials

Smile More for Less!

No matter what your mouth needs, chances are there is a denture that can help. Not all dentures are those full rows of teeth most people think of. There are plenty of options for people who are just missing a single tooth or a few, for example. One of the most popular varieties is known as a Nesbit partial denture.

Nesbit Partial dentures

Nesbit dentures are designed to replace a single tooth, on just one side of the wearer’s mouth. However, they can also be used in tandem to fill the space of about three. While a partial denture can often do the trick here, Nesbit partials are used for one to three teeth that are much smaller.

Nesbit partial dentures are part of another type of denture called a Valplast partial denture. These have become popular for several reasons. First, they don’t need clasps to be comfortably worn like other partials. Secondly, Valplast partials have a translucent membrane attached to the tooth. This allows for the wearer’s actual gum to show through, providing a much more realistic color to anyone who takes a look. Usually, Valplast partials are used to replace a large number of teeth, though, whereas a Nesbit is perfect for a few or less.

For the most part, your Nesbit can be ready within two visits, though it will depend on your particular mouth. In most cases, there is no need for drilling and thus anesthesia.

There are countless reasons why someone may need a Nesbit partial. Root canals are a fairly common one though. Years after a successful root canal, abscesses can sometimes occur. Often times there’s nothing that can be done other than just extracting it. As such, only a single tooth is needed in a cramped area. That’s when a Nesbit partial is perfect.

Sometimes people will elect for a different type of partial or a bridge to be put in place of their missing tooth. However, even then, Nesbit partial dentures may be used as a suitable replacement for a temporary period of time. They’re relatively affordable, yet the finished product is high in quality, making it a perfect choice for a space saver. Nonetheless, many people use Nesbit partials as a permanent solution. Anyone who wishes to do that should speak with their dentist first in order to understand hygienic issues related. So if you’re missing just a tooth or two, a Nesbit partial may be your best bet. It’s quick, affordable and looks great.

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