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Immediate Dentures

Smile More for Less!

There are a number of circumstances that can lead to tooth loss. Periodontal disease is a frequent contributor, but so are freak accidents and other things. In any case, when you lose a tooth, the response is almost always the same: you want it replaced as soon as possible. For this, the best option is really immediate dentures.

Immediate Dentures

As the name suggests, immediate dentures are ones you receive right away, as in the same day you lose your teeth. One of the main reasons dentists recommend this is that immediate dentures can go a long way toward improving the wearer’s oral health. First, they’ll stem the bleeding. Second, they reduce the chance of infection finding its way in the empty space. Third, they can help with any swelling that occurs post-extraction or after your teeth otherwise fell out.

Of course, the psychological benefits are often what the wearer is more concerned about. Immediate dentures mean you don’t have to walk around with a smile full of holes or none at all. They mean you don’t have to find a new way to chew or even talk.

The process begins with a mold being taken of your mouth. Even if you’re just missing the top row, the bottom needs to be done as well so that your bite will line up correctly.

Next, the dentist will need to select your new teeth. Here’s one of the many reasons it’s so important to choose the most experienced dentist possible for this procedure. You want one who will take their time finding the teeth that are both the right shape and color.

When the teeth are selected and installed, your denture will be ready. At this point, the dentist may remove any other teeth that have to go. By having the denture already made, it can be immediately installed and you can receive the aforementioned benefits.

Immediate dentures generally need to stay in your mouth for the first 72 hours. They’re working as bandages for some fairly traumatic wounds your mouth just suffered. Without them there, you’d need a number of bandages to ensure the healing process works.

After about four to six months, you’ll need to see the dentist again because your gums will begin to shrink as the swelling goes down and your immediate dentures will no longer fit as well. At this point, your dentist will discuss other options for you in terms of permanent dentures or otherwise altering the ones you already have.

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