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What Is Involved With Cosmetic Dentistry

Smile More for Less!

cosmetic dentistry before and afterWhen you hear the word “dentist,” what do you think about? For many people, procedures like their bi-annual cleaning and the process of getting fillings comes to mind. However, the dentist can actually help you with a variety of problems, and they also do cosmetic work to improve the way your teeth look. If you are interested in having a nicer smile, it is worth it to look into cosmetic dentistry.

There are a number of different procedures available to you. For example, you could have your teeth whitened. This popular procedure helps get rid of years of staining and truly brightens your smile. Smokers take advantage of this procedure as well, because their habit often leads to unsightly staining on their teeth.

Dentures also help with your smile. Initially, dentures did not fall under the category of cosmetic work because they actually serve a vital function; they help you consume food. Dentures have changed over the years, and they now offer cosmetic benefits as well. If you can’t get implants, think about dentures.

Implants have been around for a long time and they also serve a cosmetic function. If the tooth is completely gone, it is normally because it has separated from the roots. An implant targets both the tooth and the roots, replacing them both.

If implants aren’t the best option, contouring might be something to look into. When contoured, your teeth are either reshaped or aligned. No matter what you have done, your smile will look better when it is all over. People that get implants generally have healthy teeth, so the procedure is more about appearance than anything else.

If you want to straighten your teeth, there are a few things you can do. Traditional metal braces are, of course, an option for you. They move your teeth so that your smile is more aligned. This is an investment, however, because the results aren’t quick. You could wear them for a few years, requiring several adjustments along the way. They also don’t feel that great.

Invisible braces can also help you straighten your teeth. They are similar to metal braces, but you can barely see them. They also feel better on your teeth. However, you have to listen to your dentist and wear invisible braces the right way if you want to see results.

Veneers are your third option. They cover your teeth so that you can’t see staining or other issues. When bonded, veneers are on your teeth for good.

That’s cosmetic dentistry in a nutshell. When you go into your dentist to have your teeth cleaned, speak to him or her about what you can do to improve your smile.

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