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Tips For Treating Gum Disease

Smile More for Less!

receding gumsPrevention is of course the best treatment for gum disease. The term gum disease refers to different kinds of diseases that affect gums which include ones that result in tooth loss.

The different diseases may cause receding gums, bad breath, and sensitive teeth. To prevent these types of diseases it is critical to have good dental care and good dental hygiene.

The best approach to treating or stopping gum disease is to start a regimen of good hygiene habit if in the past you were not taking good care of your gums and teeth before you knew you had the disease.

That will involve brushing your teeth three times per day, using a good fluoride toothpaste, flossing once a day at least, visit your dentist two times a year and avoid foods that eat away at your teeth’s enamel like soft drinks and candy.

Periodontitis and gingivitis are the two of the main gum diseases.


This is the first gum disease that may start as soon as the teenage years with swollen and puffy red gums. The best way that gingivitis can be treated is to remove plaque off of the teeth that can irritate your gums and put you on the path towards a more serious gum disease.

Learning to practice better dental hygiene is the first step towards treating gingivitis. You need to learn how to properly brush your teeth and use good flossing techniques. That can help to reverse gingivitis. It is also very important to also visit your dentist. He might prescribe an antibacterial mouth rinse or antibiotics to help to reverse the disease.


This advanced gum disease involves the gums pulling away or receding from the teeth. After the disease is obvious, you can start losing teeth if you don’t visit a disease and get the right care.

Periodontitis treatment includes a cleaning procedure that scrapes and removes tartar and plaque that has made its away under the gum line. Antibiotics are used as well to help to prevent inflammation and infection of gums. Antibiotics are used as well to help prevent inflammation and infection of gums. Another option is surgery after the disease progresses where the gums will have to be put into place again so they fit against the teeth snugly. In serious cases, gum tissue that comes from other parts of the mouth will have to be grafted and then pulled together so that the affected areas can be treated.

After Care

Whether you are in the early gum disease stages or in the final stages of periodontitis, then it will be necessary to learn to practice better dental hygiene after receiving treatment from your dentist or periodontist. If you revert to poor habits that you had before being treated, you gums are going to start to decay again. Your teeth need to be brush twice a day at least, and floss one time a day, in addition giving bad habits up like smoking and eating healthy.

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