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Smile More for Less!

National Children’s Dental Health Month

A little girl flossing her teethDue to the importance of educating children early about the benefits of good oral hygiene, the American Dental Association has deemed each February “National Children’s Dental Health Month.” The annual campaign allows parents, dental professionals, and educators to focus on teaching children and engage them with slogans and characters designed to keep the memories in mind.

Children who develop good brushing and flossing habits are less likely to experience trouble with their teeth and gums, even when they are older. However, the child who does not learn these critical skills is likely to enter adulthood with fillings, cavities, and early gum disease. The ADA wants to make certain that all children have the opportunity to learn how to brush and floss for life.

There are a number of ways that the National Children’s Dental Health Month can be celebrated. Parents can take the opportunity to discuss the event with their children and search for any activities at the local library or other public venues which may be appropriate. There are several coloring sheets and activity pages available on the ADA and other websites. These can provide opportunities for parents to reinforce the lessons.

Educators and dental professionals can take advantage of the same resources and pass them out to children. Teachers can even create a theme around it that runs throughout the course of the month, incorporating a variety of activities related to proper oral hygiene to reinforce the event.

Adults have a responsibility to guide the younger generation into adulthood. Part of that includes making certain the children can take care of their teeth. Celebrating oral health during the month of February is a good way for everyone to reinforce this important skill to the children in their lives. It will benefit the young for a lifetime.


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